Backbone.js Model

Being the heart of any Javascript application, the models are known to be the most important building blocks for the creation of Javascript applications. The core of a JavaScript application is a Model. The data is retrieved and is populated by the model. A Model is a representation of a basic data object in the framework and is also a representation of the business entities with some business logic and business validations which is used for data storage and business logic. There are methods to modify the models in Backbone.JS. All the Backbone.JS Model’ methods are listed below:


attributes To define the property of a model.
changed To change all the attributes that have changed by using set() method.
changedAttributes To return the model’s attributes that have changed since the last set or becomes false, if there is no attribute.
cid To uniquely identify the model on the client.
clear To remove all attributes, which also includes the id attribute from a backbone model.
clone To create a deep copy of a model or to copy one model object to another object.
defaults To set a default value to a model.
destroy To destroy or remove the model from the server.
escape To get the html-escaped version of a model’s attributes.
extend  To extend Backbone.model class while creating a backbone model.
fetch To accept the data from the server by delegating sync() method in the model.
get To get the value of an attribute in the model.
has To get a true value, if the attribute value is defined with a non-null value or non-undefined value.
hasChanged To return TRUE, if the attributes have changed since the last set.
id To identify model entity uniquely.
idattribute To specify the model’s unique identifier.
initialize To invoke the class’s constructor when model is created.
isNew To determine whether the model is a new or existing one.
isValid To checks the model state and to check validations for each attribute.
parse To return the model’s data by passing through the response object
previous To determine the previous value of the changed attribute.
previousAttributes To return state of the all attributes prior to last change event.
save To save the data of the model.
set To set the value of an attribute in the model.
sync To communicate with the server and to represent state of a model.
toJSON  To get a copy of the attributes as an object for JSON stringification.
unset To remove an attribute from a backbone model.
url To return URL where model’s resource is located.
urlRoot To enable the URL function.
validate To validate the input before displaying the result.
validationError To display an error, if validation fails or after the invalid event is triggered.