MERC full form

MERC:- Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission

The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission was set up on the 5th day of August month in the year 1999 under the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998, a Central Act which was supplanted by Electricity Act (EA) which was implemented in the year 2003. The Commission has proceeded as given under Section 82 of the EA, 2003. The Act was commanded to do the promotion of competition, efficiency, and economy in the power sector and to manage the tariffs of generation of power, transmission, and distribution as well as to ensure the interests of the consumers and other stakeholders. Following are the functions of the Commission:

  • To regulate the tariff for generation, supply, and transmission of electricity.
  • To determine the electricity purchase and procurement process of licensees distribution which include the price at which electricity will be acquired from the generating companies or licensees or from other sources by utilizing the agreements which were made for the purchase of power for distribution of supply within the State.