Top 10 Spiders in Kentucky

Northern Black Widow:It belongs to the cobweb spider family Theridiidae and ranges throughout the eastern and northern United States along with southern Canada. 

Spintharus Flavidus:Spintharus flavidus is a small cobweb spider in the family Theridiidae. Its range extends down from the United States to parts of Bolivia and Brazil. 

Rabid Wolf Spider:The rabid wolf spider, Rabidosa rabida, is a member of the wolf spider family Lycosidae. It is native to North America, and one of several wolf spiders in Kentucky. 

White-Banded Crab Spider:the white-banded crab spider, is a member of the crab spider family Thomisidae. You can find these spiders in Kentucky as well as throughout much of the United States.

Banded Garden Spider:Female banded garden spiders typically measure between 13 and 15 millimeters long, while males measure about one-third that size.

Striped Fishing Spider:The striped fishing spider, Dolomedes scriptus, belongs to the fishing spider family Pisauridae.

Canopy Jumping Spider:Female canopy jumping spiders can measure up to 16 millimeters long, with males typically measuring smaller than females.

Southeastern Wandering Spider:Southeastern wandering spiders vary considerably in size, measuring anywhere from 5 to 40 millimeters long, with males measuring smaller than females.

False Widow Spider:It belongs to the genus Steatoda in the family Theridiidae and is widely distributed throughout North America, Australia, and Europe. 

Difoliate Orb Weaver:Female difoliate orb weavers measure 4.7 to 9.1 millimeters long, while males measure 3.6 to 5 millimeters in length.